Boronia Community Breakfast Program
All are welcome to a free hot breakfast meal and community activities every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings, from 8am to 10am.
The Boronia Community Breakfast Program offers so much more than a meal. We exist to provide the community of Knox:
1. Delicious and healthy food four mornings per week. So everyone can start their day with a full stomach.
2. Improved access to local services and support networks. Through relationships of trust, we help guests link into the supports they need.
3. Stronger connections to the community - building social cohesion and resilience. Our guests and breakfast community are empowered to support each other.

Drop into the Boronia Progress Hall (134 Boronia Road, Boronia) between 8:00am and 10:00am, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
No bookings required.

The Community Breakfast Program provides more than a meal...

Free Hair cuts
Once per fortnight

Veggie and herb gardening
That goes back into the program

Fancy Coffee Find Fridays!
Thanks to partner Seven Seeds coffee

Tech Help
Individual tech assistance thanks to Boronia Library

Service Australia outreach appointments
Booked fortnightly on a Monday

Funday Fridays
Pool, Table tennis and Foosball tournaments

Live music & singing
Guests and volunteers share their talents

Free, secure mobile phone charging
Charge your mobile phone, while you have your breakie

Board games
and other activites

Conversation and access to extra supports
Including a Case Worker onsite